Julie Tieu sparkles in this debut romantic comedy, which is charmingly reminiscent of the TV show Kim’s Convenience and Frankly in Love by David Yoon, about a young woman who feels caught in the life her parents have made for her until she falls in...
Julie Tieu, an exciting new and diverse voice in contemporary romance, returns with a hilarious and sexy new novel about colleagues who decide to take their relationship outside the office. Cadence Lim has transformed from behind-the-scenes number...
Julie Tieu, an exciting and diverse voice in contemporary romance, returns with a romantic comedy in the vein of 27 Dresses that celebrates weddings and female friendships. Every single one of Elise Ngo’s close girlfriends -- Rebecca, Jesse, an...
A frenemies-to-lovers contemporary romance by Julie Tieu which takes place over the course of one make-or-break evening, almost entirely at a high school reunion....“For the rom-com fans, you can never go wrong with a Julie Tieu book.” -- Buzzfe...