Based on the shocking Beslan school siege in 2004, this is a brave and necessary story about grief, resilience, and finding your voice in the aftermath of tragedy. On the day she brings her sweet little sister, Nika, to school for the first time, eig...
In a gripping novel set in present-day England under a Nazi regime, a sheltered teen questions what it means to be “good” -- and how far she’s willing to go to break the rules. Nazi England, 2014. Jessika Keller is a good girl -- a champ...
A spellbinding story of romance and discovery set in the filth and thrill of an eighteenth-century side-show, perfect if you loved The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock or Caraval. Nominated for the CILIP CARNEGIE MEDAL 2019. Can this shocking new feeling be l...
For readers of All the Missing Girls and You Will Know Me, Impossible Causes is a gripping, claustrophobic thriller about isolation, power, and the lies that fester when witnesses stay silent.
For seven months of the year, the remote islan...
With friends like these, who needs enemies?
'Devilishly clever' Alice Clark-Platts
'Chillingly relatable' Sarah J Naughton
'A true single-sitting read' Alex Marwood
Liv Travers never knew real f...