In 1911, fourteen-year-old Lucy Morelli lives with her parents, older brother, and several youngers siblings in a crowded apartment in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York City. Lucy dreams of going to college, but her Italian immigrant fam...
In 1918, fourteen-year-old Daisy's family has fallen on hard times. Her sister Elsie's fiance was recently deployed to fight in World War I, and her father's newspaper was forced to shut down for criticizing the U.S. entrance into the war. When the S...
In November 1909, thousands of factory workers walked off the job to protest the terrible working conditions in New York City factories. Joining the picket lines was dangerous, with thugs and police officers harassing picketers, but the protests stir...
Leah dreams of leaving behind the crowded streets of Boston's North End neighborhood to journey west. It's the only way she'll have the future she wants - one that doesn't involve her getting married or working in a factory. But then the molasses tan...
The year is 1937, and the Hindenburg airship is about to land. Twelve-year-old Bonnie has enjoyed her journey across the Atlantic Ocean on the airship. She’s marveled by the sight of New York City when she hears a big THUD! In the moments that ...