Everyone knows Superman, but not everyone knows the story of two youngsters from Cleveland who created Superman. Based on archival material and original sources, Truth, Justice, and the American Way: The Joe Shuster Story tells the story of the frien...
The dazzling, provocative work of Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960–1988) would come to define the vibrant New York art scene of the late ’70s and early ’80s. Punk, jazz, graffiti, hip-hop: his work drew heavily on the cultural trappings o...
“Mr. Patterson’s world has been the downtown demimonde of squatters, anarchists, graffiti taggers, tattoo artists, junkie poets, leathered rock ’n’ rollers, and Santeria priests.” -- The New York TimesFor the first time ever, legenda...
Author Julian Voloj and award-winning illustrator Wagner Willian’sBlack & White is the first graphic novel biography following the life of Bobby Fischer, from chess wunderkind and national hero to his eventual spiral into madness and infamy. &...
Is this a dream or reality? He can feel her presence. He knows she's there… But she isn't. She takes him on a trip around New York. In all the places he wouldn't go before. Before the accident. From Coney Island to the Lower East Side, he'...