The story of Lutor portrays the progress of human evolution. Set in the late 24th and early 25th Centuries, it portrays the friction and wars between a newer form of human being, Homo Sapiens Novus, known in the story as Hoosens, who are replacing th...
Set in the 25th century, Bodekka: Daughter of Lutor continues the story of Lutor: Prophet of the New Age. This is the second volume in the Xerses Chronicles Trilogy. Humankind is on an evolutionary journey. Lutor is the first Prophet sent to the new ...
Boas and Qila: The Twins, accompanied by their partners Sula and Pol, travel to the nearer star systems in the Sirius sector, promoting their grandfather Lutor, and their mother Bodekka’s work. Most colonists accept the way forward, others categori...