This anthology of comics inspired by real-life missed connection ads posted on Craigslist and in local papers around the country will tug at your heartstrings and make you think. Lonely hearts, romantics, and even cynics pore over missed connection a...
In her first full-length graphic memoir, Julia Wertz (creator of the cult-hit comic The Fart Party) documents the year she left San Francisco for the unfamiliar streets of New York. Don’t worry -- this isn’t the typical redemptive coming-of-age t...
In 2004, Julia Wertz began a series of funny, irreverent autobiographical comics she called The Fart Party. After posting these comics online to acclaim and controversy, she eventually started collecting these comics as self-published minis which fou...
In her keenly observed graphic memoir, Impossible People, celebrated cartoonist Julia Wertz chronicles her haphazard attempts at sobriety and the relentlessly challenging, surprisingly funny, and occasionally absurd cycle of addiction and recove...
**A New York Times Notable Book of the Year**Here is New York, as you've never seen it before! Acclaimed cartoonist Julia Wertz regales us with her triumphant, entertaining, and side-splittingly funny illustrated history of the blocks, the buildi...