Following the death of their father, Beth's brother Richard returns from the army to claim his share of the family estate. However, Beth's hopes of a quiet life are dashed when Richard, dissatisfied with his meagre inheritance and desperate for promo...
The second in the fascinating series about the lives of the beautiful Beth Cunningham, her family and friends. Britain moves ever closer to the 1745 rebellion and the impending attempt to restore the Stuarts to the British throne. With no other optio...
THE THIRD INSTALMENT IN THE GRIPPING SERIES THAT FOLLOWS THE EXCITING LIVES OF BETH AND ALEX MACGREGOR, THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS.The year is 1744, and Prince Charles Edward Stuart is stranded in France, his hopes temporarily frustrated, as the planne...
THE FOURTH BOOK IN THE ENTHRALLING SERIES FOLLOWING THE FASCINATING LIVES OF BETH AND ALEX MACGREGOR, THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS It is 1745 and the rebellion that the Jacobites have worked towards for so many years is finally under way. Prince Charles ...
The 60s was a decade of turmoil and change. But for two friends from a small Welsh valley village the riots, demonstrations and unrest - however unsettling - are just images on a television screen. Until, that is, the summer of 1970 when Mari and her...
As victims of their parents’ unhappy marriage, both Joanne and Kate grow up with very different views of what love is but also what it is not. Kate now believes love to be a trap into which she vows never to fall, while Joanne, desperate for affect...
THE FIFTH BOOK IN THE CAPTIVATING SERIES WHICH FOLLOWS THE LIVES OF BETH AND ALEX MACGREGOR, THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS. The rebellion is over. Prince Charles is in hiding, the Jacobite clans are scattered to the four winds, and in Inverness the Duke o...
THE SIXTH AND FINAL BOOK IN THE CAPTIVATING SERIES WHICH FOLLOWS THE LIVES OF BETH AND ALEX MACGREGOR, THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS. Alex, now believing Beth to be alive, leaves Scotland and heads south to keep the promise he made to her at Culloden, det...
Confessing to a murder and a high risk invitation. It has been an interesting day. When a member of a notorious smuggling gang attempts to blackmail him, Alex MacGregor has no option but to kill the man in cold blood. Being the...