Newest Release
Judy K. Baer and Pamela Muelhbauer write in collaboration.
Charli McKenna runs a business that specializes in organizing all those annoying domestic details of life, from dinner parties to laundry. Christmas is her specialty! Max Taylor wants a full-time wife. A wife will also get him a seat on the boar...
A lawyer in the nursery! Grant Harris was used to dealing with difficult disputes, but when he agreed to help out his sister and run her nursery for a while he was clearly out of his depth. Being a substitute father to a bunch of noisy toddlers wa...
Bryan Shepard wanted a mother, and new neighbor Alexis Gordon was perfect for the job. He just had to convince his dad she'd make the perfect wife. Judd Shepard understood his son's attraction to Alexis but, convinced she was just playing mom to boos...
If there was one boss that Marcie MacLean never wanted to see again it was Jake Campbell. Five years ago he'd fired her for a mistake she hadn't even made. Now she was forced to work with him for a month - and the man was more difficult than ever! Ja...