Tracing three generations of a Southern Jewish family, this remarkable debut novel peers into deeply rooted family secrets, explores the complex love between sisters, and celebrates the constant human struggle to keep one's history alive. Set in t...
A family celebrates Día de Muertos, a holiday for remembering those who have passed. When the monarch butterflies return to her Mexican countryside, Lupita knows that Día de Muertos, "the Day of the Dead," is near. She and her favorite uncle watch ...
“Family stories grow to be bigger than the experiences themselves,” writes Judy Goldman in her memoir, Losing My Sister. “They become home to us, tell us who we are, who we want to be. Over the years, they take on more and more embellishments a...
Judy Goldman retells animal folktales from five indigenous groups in Mexico--the Tarahumara, Seri, Huichol, Triqui, and Tseltal. Each story is followed by information about the featured culture, enriching readers' understanding of the diverse peoples...
Shavuot is approaching, but Gitele and Yankl have no money to buy ingredients for blintzes. So they come up with a plan. Every day, they'll each put a coin into the empty trunk. By Shvuot, they should have enough coins to buy the ingredients. Bu...
A mother wakes one morning to find the police at her door to arrest her only child"a star athlete and honor student"for murder.
The Smallwoods are one of those families who project a rosy image, exactly what we all hoped and imagined ou...