Back in her hometown after a bitter divorce, Sara Holiday finds the tranquilty she seeks to be elusive when strange messages, dangerous threats, and assorted "accidents" lead her to believe that someone wants her gone. When Sara Holiday...
The head of Megtex after her father's murder, Alison Archer begins to fear for her life when a disembodied voice on the telephone, eerie whispers, and flickering lights warn her that the killer will strike again. Original....
The story takes place in Northern California, in the spring of 2000, when the dot-com boom was at its peak. Elizabeth Reilly-Hayden is a successful executive in her late fifties and a divorced mother of two. Emotionally armored and living alone, she ...
Lauren Compton was on the run. She had crisscrossed the country in an attempt to escape her vindictive husband. Lauren boarded a plane for Chicago, where she knew nobody. Lauren awoke in a hospital, bandaged, woozy, aching. She reached for a newspape...