The Party Of The Year In Virginia Turns DeadlyWhat began as rural Virginia's premier New Year celebration turns into a day of horror when the enemies of Alex Destephano's grandfather, Congressman Adam Patrick Lee, bring the war to his Virginia estate...
The Artzy Chicks and their menageria of pets are busy teaching painting, selling art and mixing gallons of their favorite wine slushees for hundreds of resort guests when they learn of a murder on the top of the mountain. A while later, Dr. Zimbro st...
When your father's a terrorist and wants to kill you - the obsession never ends. Instead, it passes to your children.Can Sonia save the child she loves?Dr. Sonia Amon, retired Army major and battlefield surgeon, based on intelligence from the CIA, le...
The gun-toting Artzy Chicks, Lily and LauraLea are off on another adventure.This time, they'll leave Massanutten Mountain behind to venture off to uncharted waters.Uncharted for them anyway.Flying to London was the easy part.Their newest creation, Th...
Does good overcome evil… ?Or not?Louisiana bayou teen Angelina Delacroix has feelings she's never had before. She yearns for what she knows is wrong. She's envious of others and anger fuels her soul. Angelina is haunted by sexual desire ...
Meet Alexandra Destephano . . .Learn who she was, and how she became who she is.This is a great novella short companion to the Alexandra Destephano Thrillers, part of the Women of Valor World. A psychological medical thriller series featur...