The life of thirty-one-year-old trophy wife Wynter Morrison suddenly changes course when her husband announces one evening that their marriage is over. Emotionally devastated and desperate for a change of scenery, Wyn moves to Seattle, where she spen...
The first time I saw my mother was the night she died. The second time was at a party in Santa Fe. After a childhood spent in an institution and a series of foster homes, Avery James has trained herself not to wonder about the mother who gave her ...
A STAR-STUDDED STORY COLLECTION FEATURING AMERICA'S RED-HOT WOMEN WRITERS They're taking liberties--and pursuing happiness on their own terms! Jennifer Weiner (In Her Shoes) learns "The Truth About Nigel"--and the trouble with falling for an in...
A divorcée’s fresh start as a baker in Seattle comes with a side of new challenges in this sequel to the absorbing debut novel, Bread Alone.Having found her calling, Wynter Morrison is blissful about her new career in Seattle as a baker -- ch...
Sunny Cooper has been running since she was eighteen--from the New Mexican commune where she grew up . . . and from the haunting memory of the freak accident that took the life of her younger sister. Now, at thirty-two, Sunny voices radio spots in Al...
In Wyn Morrison’s world a 5 AM phone call is rarely good news. It usually means equipment trouble at her bakery or a first shift employee calling in sick -- something annoying but mundane, fixable. But the news she receives on a warm July morning i...