The third in a fast-paced, four-part, serialized psychological thriller -- from a talented author who captures quirky South Florida life in the bestselling tradition of Elmore Leonard and Carl Hiassen. Zach often hears his great aunt Emmy’s haun...
The second in a fast-paced, four-part, serialized psychological thriller -- from a talented author who captures quirky South Florida life in the bestselling tradition of Elmore Leonard and Carl Hiassen. Zach often hears his great aunt Emmy’s hau...
The explosive finale in a fast-paced, four-part, serialized psychological thriller -- from a talented author who captures quirky South Florida life in the bestselling tradition of Elmore Leonard and Carl Hiassen. Zach often hears his great aunt Em...
The first in a four-part, fast-paced serialized psychological thriller, from a talented author who captures quirky South Florida in the bestselling tradition of Elmore Leonard and Carl Hiaasen. Zach often hears his great aunt Emmy’s hauntingly s...