Joshua McCune's gritty and heart-pounding novel is a masterful reimagining of popular dragon fantasy lore set in a militaristic future reminiscent of Paolo Bacigalupi's Ship Breaker and Ann Aguirre's Outpost. Chilling, epic, and wholly original, this...
Set in a not-too-distant future where dragon wars have reshaped society, the battle between the dragon resistance and government forces escalates in Joshua McCune's thrilling and heart-pounding sequel to Talker 25, which The Horn Book praised as "abs...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Joshua McCune has published 2 books.
Joshua McCune does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Invisible Monsters, was published in June 2015.
The first book by Joshua McCune, Talker 25, was published in April 2014.