Seventeen-year-old Ruby Thomas, newly responsible for her two young nieces after a devastating tragedy, is determined to keep her family safe in the vast, swirling world of 1920s New York City. She's got street smarts, boundless determination, and on...
Best-selling novelist Lee Child edits this latest collection of the genre’s finest from the past year. Featuring “gritty tales told with panache,” this is a “must-read for anybody who cares about crime stories” (Booklist)....
There can only be one dominant life form on Earth. In the remote African wilderness, a rainforest is dying. But something else has come to life: A newly evolved predator that has survived the depredations of mankind, only to emerge from its natur...
IT’S THEIR TERRITORY NOW. Twenty years ago, venomous parasitic wasps known as “thieves” staged a massive, apocalyptic attack on another species -- Homo sapiens -- putting them on the brink of extinction. But some humans did survive. The...