The story is a fiction based on fact. My protagonist, Jack York, is an ex-sailor. He suffers from Fugue, a distinctive dissociative disorder characterized by geographical displacement and amnesia for the episodes. The misunderstanding of his conditio...
Pauly Macy came to California, with Jilly, to buy a house and settled down. But settling down didn't work for Jilly. Jilly was gone and there he was, in a California backwater, among piles of dung, ladies auxiliaries, ministers, priests and Dutch dai...
“Why here, why tonight?” he demanded, putting a fresh unfiltered cigarette between his full lips. He tapped the face of his watch. “I got ten minutes.”He caught a glint off the knife blade from the bright coal of his cigarette. The hair on hi...
Tyler Palewhite: Soft Boiled Detective Tyler Palewhite is a salesman who dreams of being a novelist. In fact he's written a P.I. novel. He's not having much luck getting it published until he hits on the idea of pretending to be a Private Investigato...