Centuries into the future mankind has ventured into the far reaches of the universe and made countless discoveries, including the existence of other species and better forms of space travel through the wonders of their technology. Tall ships roam the...
In the realm of swords and sorcery, three brothers, heirs to a proud warrior lineage, set sail for distant shores, driven by the fires of ambition and the promise of conquest. United by blood and bound by oath, they seek to carve their legacy in a ne...
The quest for revenge can make people do desperate things. Resurrecting a long dead witch to bring about the end of the mortal world is one of those desperate things. In the mage city of Corintha, the disgraced mage Braga is hell-bent on bringing the...
The time has come to do what warriors are meant to do.Five tales of famous and legendary figures of the Carolyngian Age seeking glory. Unheard tales of war, adventure and triumph! Prior to their roles as kings or queens, these warriors had to begin t...
For many generations, the Kingdom of Lotcala and the Queendom of Amazon were as close as siblings. Through the years of war and commerce, they built an alliance that allowed both monarchies to prosper. One kingdom bred from ancient raiders and a quee...
In a world where magic is both a gift and a curse, one young mage must confront the darkness within her before it consumes everything she holds dear. As her powers spiral out of control, Cailin finds herself thrust into a perilous journey alongs...