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Joseph Hone's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    7 Books (1 Series)
  • First Book:
    January 1971
  • Latest Book:
    June 2014
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Full Series List in Order

Peter Marlow

1 - The Private Sector (1971)
2 - The Sixth Directorate (1975)
3 - The Oxford Gambit (Jul-1980)
4 - The Valley of the Fox (1982)

Book List in Order: 7 titles

  • Eric Ambler, John Buchan, Erskine Childers, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Len Deighton, Ian Fleming, Frederick Forsyth, Graham Greene, Geoffrey Household, John le Carre, Robert Ludlum and Joseph Hone. What do they have in common? They wrote spy ...

  • In prison his name had been Peter Marlow. When British Intelligence released him to impersonate a dangerous KGB agent, he became George Graham, a man with an incredible past, and with a very questionable future. But even the British didn't know every...

  • Marlow, a tired, middle-aged, former British Intelligence agent, becomes involved--simply as a friend of the family--in a desperate search for a missing woman that, once again, sets him up as a fall guy...

  • Driven from his home, a former spy disappears into the wildernessAfter decades in the British Intelligence, Peter Marlow no longer has the heart for conflict. He retires to the countryside with his second wife, Laura, and her daughter, Clare, an elev...

  • It is an idyllic setting: the forest sweeping down to the valley, sunlight on the loch, the heather loud with bees: but one hive stands dismantled and a man has vanished. That man is Lindsay Phillips, head of a section of the Secret Service.


  • Ben Contini, a disenchanted painter of considerable talent, has just buried his mother. Rifling through the attic of her Kilkenny house he stumbles across a Modigliani nude, worth millions. Determined to learn the provenance of the painting, he and E...

  • Joseph Hone's The Paris Trap, first published in 1977, saw him step aside from his sequence of 'Peter Marlow' novels to offer a different kind of political thriller. Jim Hackett and Harry Tyson first met in Paris, in days of hope - Hackett a promi...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Joseph Hone has published 7 books.

Joseph Hone does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Paris Trap, was published in June 2014.

The first book by Joseph Hone, The Private Sector, was published in January 1971.

Yes. Joseph Hone has 1 series.