A Son Comes Home tells a story of an extraordinary and life-changing summer in the life of an American Family. The main character, Chris LaRue, is a graduate student and college instructor in his mid-twenties, who has drifted no only from his heavenl...
A moving love story, this novel examines the struggle of a young couple as they try to become a family. Will all their hopes be ruined or will they find a true understanding of who they are as a couple through the hardship each endures....
At Close of Day follows the intricate unraveling -- and ultimate restoration -- of a modern family after their aging father lets slip a secret he has held close for more than fifty years. Reeling from the implications of their father’s confession, ...
Through the breaking ice, in a vortex of brilliant light, energy, and sound, Jeremy plunges into a dangerous and mysterious new world. It is a world where music is absolutely prohibited - on pain of death. And Jeremy breaks that law when he arrives i...
Through the breaking ice, in a vortex of brilliant light, energy, and sound, Jeremy plunges into a dangerous and mysterious new world. It is a world where music is absolutely prohibited--on pain of death. And Jeremy breaks that law when he arrives in...