Part political thriller, part poignant love story, The Hiding Room recounts the passionate, tortured affair between Esta Weiss, a Jewish refugee living in Cairo, and Archie Rawlins, a British intelligence officer. But Esta has secrets darker than any...
In British-occupied Palestine after World War I, Mark Bloomberg, a beleaguered London painter, and Joyce, his American wife, witness the murder of a prominent Orthodox Jew. Joyce, a non-Jew and ardent Zionist, is drawn into an affair with the British...
National Jewish Book Award finalist Jonathan Wilson’s uproariously funny stories showcase the neuroses of suburban men as they ruminate, self-medicate, and acclimate to the rhythms of middle age.From the slacker husband who spends his day running h...
Soccer fans love to argue about the tactics a manager puts into play, and this fascinating study traces the world history of tactics, from modern pioneers right back to the beginning, where chaos reigned. Along the way, author Jonathan Wilson, an eru...
Based on actual events, a gripping novel of sex, love, history and justice in the tinderbox of British Mandatory Palestine, by the acclaimed author of A Palestine Affair"The story of what is arguably Israel’s foundational murder trial -- a tale of ...