In this epic fantasy from the acclaimed author of The Grey Bastards, a man and his fae allies confront Goblins seeking to restore their race to power. Locked in an eternal Autumn, Airlann, the Source Isle of Magic, is dying. Nearly a...
In this epic fantasy from the acclaimed author of The Grey Bastards, a knight’s valor is tested as he keeps a closely guarded secret from evil forces. Only the most resolute are chosen to join the ranks of the Knights of the Valian...
“[A] fantasy masterwork . . . a dirty, blood-soaked gem of a novel [that reads] like Mad Max set in Tolkien’s Middle-earth.” -- Kirkus Reviews (starred review) Jackal and his fellow half-orcs patrol the barren wastes of...
Half orc. All badass. A female chieftain in a brutal wasteland society fights to take what is hers in an action-packed, foul-mouthed fantasy adventure. Fetching was once the only female rider in the Lot Lands. Now she is the proud leader of her o...
The long-awaited war has come in the sweeping conclusion to the Lot Lands trilogy -- another irresistibly swashbuckling, swaggering, foul-mouthed fantasy from the author of The Grey Bastards.“[A] rip-roaring, shelf-bending conclusion . . . nothing ...