A new short story by Jon McGoran featuring Philadelphia Detective Doyle Carrick, star of Drift, Deadout, and Dust Up!When a beekeeper removing hives from an inner city warehouse is greeted with gunfire, Detective Doyle Carrick is called in to help ag...
In the second installment of the SPLICED series, sixteen-year-old Jimi Corcoran risks her life to clear a friend's name--and uncovers the horrific truth about one of the most powerful men in the world.All Jimi wants is pick up the pieces of her life ...
Underland Arcana collects the numinous, the esoteric, the supernatural, and the weird. This issue contains stories by Jon McGoran, Nathan Batchelor, Jennifer Quail, Linda McMullen, Lexi Peréz, Tori Fredrick, Selah Janel, H. L. Fullerton,...
John Wick meets Johnny Mnemonic in a nail-biting cyberpunk technothriller about a courier on the run from his own GuildCorporations fall, gangsters are killed, but no-one messes with the Couriers Guild. When Armand Pierce first became a courier ten y...