The Feather Gang is an intriguing story about a gang of outlaws, criminal by choice but driven by circumstance. They are pursued by U.S. Deputy Marshal Jake Silver, who is intelligent and cunning through years of experience. The gang will soon determ...
THE PREACHER is an exciting story that follows an assassin bent on revenge after the death of his parents by Union forces. Trained to kill by none other than ‘Bloody Bill’ Anderson, the assassin is terrorizing the West. Deputy U.S. Marsha...
From the author of "Preacher" and "The Feather Gang" comes an historically accurate tale of a Pinkerton agent tracking stolen gold and outlaws in the high country of Colorado. This wonderful novel showcases life, danger, and mining in the wild ...
Anasazi Ruin follows the life of a young man as he grows up during the high point of life in Chaco Canyon in 1100 A.D. The story follows his life as he grows to follow in his father's footsteps and beyond as the life as he knows it is changing for th...