When Surka, a ruthless criminal warlord, escapes her prison pit, she unleashes a wave of destruction that ripples across Tartarus, a vital colony in an everlasting galactic war. Years later, when young cadet Tilde learns that she’s Surka’s daught...
When Surka, a ruthless criminal warlord, escapes her prison pit, she unleashes a wave of destruction that ripples across Tartarus, a vital colony in an everlasting galactic war.
Years later when Tilde,...
The stakes are turned all the way up when blood enemies Surka and Hisa are stranded together on a mysterious, far-off world. Can they survive an epic journey across space and time, fraught with pleasures and peril? Can they survive each other? ...
"The stakes are turned all the way up when bloodenemies Surka and Hisa are stranded together on a mysterious, far-off world. Canthey survive an epic journey across space and time, fraught with pleasures andperil? Can they survi...
A video gamer’s championship aspirations are dashed when his parents send him to Camp Reset, where electronics are forbidden and you're forced to socialize, eat healthy, and spend time outside. Gamerville is a timely and vulnerable exploration of t...