Funny, suspenseful, tender, and wise—the story of a man who took to the woods, and the woman who found him there Soon after his fortieth birthday, Macon “Toots” Henslee left his home, his job, and his marriage to live in a tree hous...
Set in the hills of North Carolina, this dramatic story of the powerful ties that bind men and women follows young James Tally as he tries to cope with his parents' painful separation by pitting himself against the forces of nature...
“From now on, there are bound to be two classics of the Great Depression -- The Grapes of Wrath and Hardcastle.” -- Los Angeles Times In 1931 William Music is making his way back home to Virginia when he hops off a freight train in Swi...
A powerhouse novel about an idealistic young man’s return to a rural Southern town simmering with prejudice and anger Separation papers in hand, Beau Jim Early sets out one hot, dry August morning in 1960 from Fort Jackson, South Carolina, for his ...
The stunning debut of a writer hailed by Robert Penn Warren as “that very rare thing, the born novelist”He had lost the thread of his life, and he couldn’t pretend any longer that he hadn’t. As soon as Thomas Rapidan thinks it, he knows it is...