In a story with more hooks than a strip on Velcro, British journalist Raymond Barton arrives in Germany in 1990 to cover a boring magazine assignment on German reunification. Unsuspecting, he is caught in a murderous intrigue to recover a cache of Na...
Returning to Alberta, wounded in the First World War, Canadian immigrant Tom Edmunds finds himself jilted by the love of his life. His drive to succeed renewed, he founds a family business empire against the backdrop of early twentieth century Albert...
The stories in John Warner's Tough Day for the Army move from hilarious and biting to unsettling and sad -- sometimes within the span of a few pages. Mining the absurdities, confusions, and hypocrisies of our contemporary times, these stories rais...
In the near future a new space race is in full swing to be the first to colonize Mars. The United States and allied European governments working alongside private industry are competing against the RSAC, a new Russian-Chinese alliance, to build worki...