High-school teacher Ray Sykes's passion for his daughter, Sonia, whom he follows from afar through her childhood, is complicated by her eventual presence in his class, her rebellious beauty, and her involvement in a teenage sex club...
As John Rolfe Gardiner's gripping and elegant new novel opens, World War I is raging and letters home from Major William Lloyd describe his life as a volunteer doctor in charge of a base hospital in the zone of advance. &...
By the award-winning author of Somewhere in France, a historical novel based on a true story of orphaned identical twins born to switched identities, uncanny communications, and terrible trials. Identical twins Rebecca and Linda Carey arrive at Drayt...
From the award-winning author of Somewhere in France and Double Stitch, a story collection so varied that it could only have sprung from the imagination of a master. The Magellan House cuts to the bone, its characters trying to maintain their decency...
NEWPORT RISING --Historical Novel by prize-winning author John Rolfe Gardiner Pre-Revolutionary Newport, Rhode Island, thriving nest of the American slave trade, a virtual city-state of multiple faiths, independent traders and craftsmen, boasted a pe...
The long-awaited return of a quintessentially American storyteller“You’re as likely to be hit twice by lightning on a Monday as see a wood chipper pull a man into its maw.”So begins North of Ordinary, John Rolfe Gardner’s virtuosic story coll...