Mystery ensues when Bruno Montefiore, singing the role of Cavaradossi, is murdered during the final firing squad scene of a performance of Tosca, just before his wife's, Madame Csizamadia-Horvath, final aria...
Based on a true story. Two inmates meet while serving time in the Alabama State Prison System. One is a sociopath and the other a pedophile. In the loneliest time of their lives, the two of them devise a plan to rape, torture, and kill young girls. T...
Musical settings of the story of Christ's Passion, as recounted by St. Matthew, date back to antiquity. First incorporated into the liturgy as a chant for Palm Sunday, the Passion text of St. Matthew developed over the centuries into elaborate settin...
Joe is just a regular teddy bear until Bailey goes to sleep. He sets off on an adventure to find his lost sweater and encounters new obstacles and challenges that he has never faced before. He meets new people and explores new places, and above al...