"A FEW BRAVE MEN" tells the story of the post-World War I entrenched military, political and ideological debate that threatened the early development of America's strategic bombardment capability. General Curtis E. Lemay is the centerpiece of this gr...
UC Berkeley is under siege. A serial killer prowls the campus committing savage, sacrificial murders, paralyzing the university with dread and fear. Self-proclaimed the Gatekeeper, he owns the night and hunts down his prey with methodical precision. ...
It's 1961. Eighteen-year-old Corey Coleman reports to spring training in Florida as a New York Yankee minor-league ballplayer. Naive and insecure, he comes under the charismatic spell of womanizing, hard-drinking, legendary pitcher, Boomer "Night Rid...
THE CAVES, the sequel to GRUNT AIR, begins in Washington, where a radio intercept officer decodes a classified message from the head of the North Vietnam office that controls the captured American and Allied Prisoners of War. The messag...