Three years after his triumphant return from Treasure Island, Jim Hawkins learns that Long John Silver has been captured and sentenced to hang. Jim's fateful decision to help Silver propels them into a dangerous search for the greatest treasure of al...
Ancient prophecies tell the tale of a special band of souls whose destiny is to uncover the truth of humanity's creation, existence and future. Known as The Seekers, they discover that our ancestors left messages for us - hidden throughout the world ...
The first in a series of books of The Seekers.
Archeoelogical adventures that involve a group of people seqarching the world for clues.
This is an astounding book that follows four intrepid adventurers as they uncover clues to the worl...
Jeb wants a family. Zach wants to find gold. Juan wants revenge! Jeb and Zach wanted a normal life after spending 3 years in a Union POW camp.Miguel Cortiña kidnapped Jeb's 14-year-old niece, carrying her to Mexico. Jeb & Zach, Civil War veteran...