A series of rapes, committed by imposters using a similar modus operandi, has New Yorkers afraid and NYPD Chief Vadney on the warpath, while Detective "Little John" Rawlings and his partner Brendan sort out the clues...
In a fast-paced new Little John Rawlings novel, an ingenious thief holds Harvard's priceless Gutenberg Bible for ransom. His demands: that the Harvard Corporation divest its holdings in South Africa. And for every day they delay, they will receive on...
The mystery begins with the theft of thirty-six vials of a substance essential to the process of reanimation. Now, twenty years later, Little John Rawlings sets out to catch the thief who has resurfaced after being pronounced dead. Rawlings must find...
Few of us will ever know the satisfaction of becoming number one in our professions; in music, the odds are astronomical. Musicologists tell us that in the ideal--or abstract--situation, an individual is genetically predisposed with a special gift, ...
This is the haunting and exquisitely crafted mystery of Eddie Conroy, a brilliant but homeless middle-aged man living in New York.. Working as a dishwasher after a long military career, Conroy suffers from a multiple-personality disorder that has no ...