From debut author John Marco comes a thrilling military fantasy, an epic tale of ancient lands and races - locked in a bloody conflict between dark science and unstoppable magic. His enemies call Prince Richius "the Jackal," but he is merely a rel...
From John Marco comes the epic sequel to his thrilling debut military fantasy, The Jackel of Nar. An infamous warrior is once again caught between two irrexixtible forces, and his choice may change the world... Prince Richius Vantran, the Jackal o...
John Marco presents the riveting conclusion to his sweeping fantasy saga -- in which three unlikely allies stand united against a terrifying crisis that threatens to devastate a world.Biagio, Emperor of Nar, was once a madman and a tyrant. Now he w...
THE PRICE OF LIFE AKFELA was the King of Liiria. Young and idealistic, he was determined to bring peace to his kingdom -- a land that had been plagued by war with the neighboring realm for decades. A scholar, a dreamer, and an academic, it was t...
AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKES Akeela the Mad, King of Liiria, is dead. His once great kingdom lies in ruins: its army decimated, its capital city of Koth ransacked, its people demoralized by poverty and crime. Akeela's great library, the Cathedral of Kno...
THE WORLD IS AT WAR. But the squabbles of men, however bloody, pale beside the true danger facing the world. For Kahldris, the demon that created the Devil's Armor and whose evil spirit has inhabited its horned black carapace for millennia, has fi...
13 original tales of fantastical battles for anyone who needs a dose of un-reality. How might the course of World War II have changed if civilized dragons ran bombing missions for the Germans? Here are 13 tales of war in alternate worlds where ma...
A new fantasy series from the author of The Sword of Angels. Steam trains and electricity are rapidly changing the world. Moth of Calio is obsessed with the airships developed by his friend Fiona?s grandfather Rendor, and dreams of taking to the a...
Lukien is the Bronze Knight, beloved by his kingdom and renowned in battle throughout his world. After betraying his king and losing his beloved, he wishes only for death, but rather than die, Lukien is given a chance for redemption: to be the protec...
For a hundred years, the Cryori ruled the human continent from the island nation of Nesenor, raiding the lands for riches, and spreading the worship of their goddess Clionet. Now the humans, led by the zealot Reius, have formed the J'horan Alliance t...