In 1998, Casey Miller, a teenage boy, discovers the reason why a teenage girl disappeared in 1898. He and a teenage Black girl team up and push the case further. They get more than they bargained for when, under threats of death, they uncover blackma...
Casey Miller and his friend, Lexie Wentworth, two teenagers who appeared in a previous book, Mystery at Salt Marsh Bridge, are at it again. They become suspicious of the behavior of their substitute art teacher and when they pursue that, they find he...
Casey Miller and Lexie Wentworth visit Cornelius Williamson, elderly owner of the world-famous Salt Marsh Winery, for a history project for school. During the interviews, Casey and Lexie are introduced to some odd characters who work for him. A perpl...
Casey Miller discovers the body of a man in the boatyard across the street from his house. In a seemingly unrelated event, his cousin, Freddy, is kidnapped.Because of their traumatic experience in the matter of the Salt Marsh Winery case, Casey, and ...
Casey Miller and Lexie Wentworth's vacation on Cape Cod is rudely interrupted by their discovery of a body in a cranberry bog.Their reputations in Elm Grove have preceded them. Soon, they are visited by an intruder who issues a stern, life-threatenin...