A work that has served as a literary cornerstone for the Vietnam generation, The 13th Valley follows the strange and terrifying Vietnam combat experiences of James Chelini, a telephone-systems installer who finds himself an infantryman in territory c...
Nang is conscripted into the Khmer army, while his sister struggles to aid a flood of refugees and his parents are enslaved to erect a new Kampuchea, in this portrayal of a Cambodian family torn apart by social unrest...
John Panuzio's world begins to disintegrate when a freak accident disrupts the peaceful Connecticut suburb where he lives. As a successful 50 year old ad executive, he loathes his job and finds himself increasingly estranged from his family and co...
In this powerful and poignant epic, Del Vecchio transports the soldiers of the Viet Nam experience to their final battlefield—the home front. High Meadow Farm, in the fertile hill country of central Pennsylvania, would be their salvation. In...
Three classic novels by John M. Del Vecchio about Vietnam, Cambodia, and the aftermath of war
A classic combat novel and National Book Award finalist, The 13th Valley follows the terrifying Vietnam combat experiences of James Chel...