Set in the quirky mountain town of Ipsyniho, Oregon--a community of artists, loggers, dope growers, and river guides--Northwest of Normal is the humorous story of one village reinventing the American dream. Andy Trib is a troubled fly-fishing guide r...
With Holding Lies, John Larison takes us deep into a thriving subculture of the Northwest, one born of ferns and firs, rain and hot-springs, salmon and whitewater. He takes us even deeper into the troubles of Hank Hazelton, a fifty-nine-year-old rive...
From a blazing new voice in fiction, a gritty and lyrical American epic about a young woman who disguises herself as a boy and heads west In the spring of 1885, seventeen-year-old Jessilyn Harney finds herself orphaned and alone on her family's ho...
A richly imagined, sweeping novel set in the climate-changed world of our own descendants, by the acclaimed author of WHISKEY WHEN WE'RE DRY'This richly imagined journey into a dystopian future is at once cautionary and provocative, inviting us to he...