Fighting to free Afghanistan from its Russian invaders, the woman commander of an underground network charged with infiltrating Soviet Intelligence is trapped by her relationships with a Russian officer and a rebel leader...
The myths and legends of the Fair Folk are the oldest in Britain and our Fairy lore is unique to this island. Meetings with Faery are well recorded. Humans have always been aware of a form of life called Fairy, but how exactly do we meet ...
This book pulls together everything we know about how things work in Faery. The information is scattered across many narratives, but once it is assembled, we discover we have a detailed picture of their politics and economy. Much of this is entirely ...
This book is founded squarely upon an acceptance that faeries have a tangible physical reality and that we can describe them medically and biologically, in just the same manner as may be done for any other living being. It is, therefore, to some degr...
The Isle of Man is full of faery beings. In a concentrated area, it has all the most fascinating supernatural creatures of the British Isles, not just fairies, but various goblins, faery beasts and mermaids. It provides a fascinating case study of th...
There is a distinct tendency today to assume that faery kind are friendly and helpful towards us humans. The evidence of over one thousand years experience, preserved in British folk tradition, tells a very different story. British faeries are (like ...
The 'eco-fairy' as a concept is not new. The sensibility has been present for several centuries. An examination of the folklore and literary sources discloses three interrelated functions that the faes were believed to undertake: they cared for small...
This book offers a series of biographies of some of the most significant and best-known of the faery folk. A lot of faeries are extremely familiar to us, being distinct characters with names and personalities. This Who's Who examines their origins, c...
Here are a series of biographies of some of the most significant and best-known of the faery folk. A lot of faeries are extremely familiar to us, being distinct characters with names and personalities. This Who's Who examines their origins, character...
Descriptions of the unique characteristics that set the Welsh faeries, tylwyth teg, apart from the rest of the faery folk of Britain- issues such as their speech, their appearance, their music and their links to trees and mines. It examines every asp...