During a police raid, a suspect's two pit bulls attack an officer. He shoots one in the head, injuring her, and both dogs flee into a neighbour's back yard where they maul three year old Christopher Allen. His death and the dogs' subsequent disappear...
A chilling portrait of a family fighting to preserve their humanity in a cruel and merciless world The collapse of civilization has left the survivors scattered amongst a few settlements along the wilderness fringe of a land ravaged by war. Prey...
In this blistering new novel from visionary author John Jantunen, three young men with a history of violence are on a collision course set against the idyllic backdrop of northern Ontario’s cottage country. Rene Descartes, a recently released...
“John Jantunen consistently zigs where other narratives would zag, creating a story that is far stranger and disturbing.” -- Shelf Awareness A thrilling apocalyptic tale that rushes from the inside of a prison to a world that feels even more da...
The post-apocalyptic love child of Stephen King and Cormac McCarthy Ten years after the calamitous events set in motion by Dylan Cleary in his attempt to bring George Cleary’s last novel to life, Deacon Riis has settled back into the rather sedate ...
An electrifying mash-up of the western, sci-fi, and horror genres set against a backdrop of the housing, mental health, opioid, and climate crises Ex"police chief Mason Lowry is hell bent on retribution. Ten years ago he arrested outlaw biker Clare...