Bright Bewildering Green is a vivid, harrowing tale - told from the emotional security of middle age - of an impoverished childhood in rural Northern Ireland during the 1950s and early '60s. In its detailed evocation of the realities of life for an o...
Seven-year-old Kevin McAllister is left behind when his family goes to France for Christmas vacation, and the precocious boy must defend the homestead from two burglars who have invaded the neighborhood...
As the title of this book implies Sally Figment..! This book consists of > Serio-Comic Figments... With outstretched minds and non truths, including, Mythology, Fairy Tales, Horror and Three (D) and fourth dimensional scenarios, Fabrications and ...
A manuscript written by an Australian art historian is discovered by his son. Claiming to have found a series of lost paintings by Piero della Francesca in Arezzo, the father’s manuscript moves between Renaissance Italy and post-Revolutionary Russi...
Gwenllian was Owain GlyndAur's daughter. Her life was tied to the ebb and flow of her father's war and this novel is based on poems written by Lewis Glyn Cothi, Llawdden and Ieuan Gyfannedd....
In this book, fourteen mesmerizing fables - and the etchings they inspired - draw us back to our origins in a garden of sorrow and exile, death and renewal, beauty and melancholy. John Hughes re-imagines a series of fables in which Australian animals...
Ten-year-old Michael can hardly believe his eyes when his cast-net accidentally surfaces with a baby manatee in it. Michael and his Dad rush into the water to assist the baby manatee who, to their complete amazement, is able to talk to them....
Seven year old Jon-Jon has an incredible gift of being able to surf almost any wave that confronts him at his home in Saint Augustine Beach, Florida. Jon-Jon is soon the youngest competitive surfer ever to reach the East Coast Surfing Finals in Virgi...
A novel set in the period of the reign of Gruffudd ap Llywelyn (1039-63), a violent, determined man who became the undisputed king of all Wales. The story follows the life of Elen who, against her will, becomes embroiled with that of this most powerf...
Summer 1940 - Great Britain is in grave peril. With the ‘phoney' war turning into a very real war on the ground and in the air, Hitler's troops storm across an unprepared Europe towards the English Channel. Invasion looms. But the British have a we...
A set of intriguing tales of our time - some dark and challenging, others light and quirky.The title story tells of a young piano salesman in Harrods who comes across a Bechstein grand in storage that appears to have been neglected. Would anyone miss...
John Hughes enters deep into the world of his imagination, giving voice to the twenty-one writers and artists who have left their traces there. In story-like essays written in the style of his heroes, the effect is like ventriloquy....
Young Darnell Rabren is lost and confused in Mississippi, and he and his friend, Judson, are on an epic quest to discover the meaning of life. Darnell knows a lot, but there's a lot he doesn't know, and his misadventures with Judson across the swa...
Across the Misty Midlands of Central Ireland dwells a magical race. Hidden from plain sight these creatures inhabit the bogs and forests evading the human eye and technology to the present day. This tale centres in and around the town land of Ballina...
Who doesn’t dream of finding the love of their life? Lonely, quirky Oliver Birch certainly does, and he knows who she is. He’s adored her from afar for thirty years. But there’s a problem. Joanna is happily married to somebody else....
Heart Like A Bonfire is a confluence of poignant tales from within a hospice company. Based on the author's 13 years as a spiritual care provider and bereavement specialist in a hospice, it explores dying, death, grief, and bereavement from several p...
Bert Bogglethrop, along with his son and senior helper's assistance, attempt to breathe new life into a desolate medieval building called Monkspew Manor with its array of ornate Tudor chimneys and paintwork. His trusty team set to work with the help ...