New Worlds...and the government of Mars is a novel predictive of the coming decades. The story of the settlement of Mars and the creation of its new government is told through the lives of a number of young people from around the world. Their adventu...
This is an adventure story set in the People's Republic of China in the early eighties before the nation was opened to the Western world. An engineer, Toby, from Hong Kong follows his mentally disturbed brother who has entered China. He fears the wor...
Enchanting illustrations perfectly complement a tender story about a young boy who has plenty of love to give -- and is loved in return -- in this gentle, rhythmic picture book illustrated by Tomie dePaola!A young boy tells his animal friends just ho...
Winter Park is a Colorado ski-resort and the action in this fast-paced thriller starts on the slopes and moves from there into complex of International intrigue and murder. The book brings the reader into the action and whether you are skier or not i...
A story that spans three centuries, two continents and emotions from rib aching laughter to gut wrenching despair. Every child grows up with some mysterious figure promising future reward for present forbearance - like Father Christmas or the Tooth F...
Joe Blaqueard is a drug dealer, his wife Nancy sells advertising and her lover, Peter, is a nuclear scientist. Their affairs extend from Pittsburgh to San Francisco but the small girl who lives in Lermoos, Austria, affects them all deeply. Their stor...
Naked Power is the story of a struggle between super powers using the most basic of human motivations â€" sex and money â€" to achieve a revolutionary shift in world order. The floods of raw cash that burst out of the post communist Russian state bri...
What glitters is gold, but beneath it is rot.Humanity has a sprawling interstellar empire. Advances in science and the resources of countless frontier worlds have brought untold prosperity to its citizens. But how much of this wealth comes from dange...
Far beyond Human space, a massive alien vessel appears, its systems badly damaged and its crew slaughtered in a mysterious ambush in the depths of the void. The emaciated survivors can only identify their attackers by one word: voidstalker. A ye...
The Magical River is a storybook for children ages three to six. This book contains twenty pages of colorful illustrations and simple reading text. Our adventure begins with a little girl named Tara who lives on a river. One day, her mommy and daddy ...