Set in the years of Mao and prior to the handover, ‘The Years of the Hungry Tiger’ is the story of McAdam, a Hong Kong policeman who is unhappily married. Then he meets Ying-ling, who is a schoolmistress, and he falls headlong for her. This, howe...
A magnificent novel of ambition, love and adventure It had not been easy for Joe Mahoney to leave his beloved Rhodesia. All he possessed by the time he reached England was a battered cargo plane and a dream. From this slender beginning, Mahoney and h...
A pope is dead, possibly poisoned; his successor has just survived an assassination attempt; death is meted out in the South Atlantic with the explosive fury of Exocet missiles; a disgraced banker is found hangng under a London bridge; a row of US se...
A stirring and compelling story, full of adventure, set against the background of the move to freedom in Africa. In the face of opposition, hatred, violence and death, the gentler human feelings of friendship and love are nonetheless maintained. Jose...
A salvage operation in South Africa on a Nazi sub becomes an international manhunt involving Israel's secret service when Captain James Mcquade realizes that one of the Nazi commanders may still be alive and trying to revive the Third Reich...
On an isolated farm in the middle of the Australian outback, Helen Mckenzie is alone. While her husband Clyde is thousands of miles away working in a mine to earn the money to keep their teenage children at boarding school, Helen meets Ben and the tw...
The sins of the past come home to roost in the New South Africa in the action-packed new novel from a master of the international thriller. The bestselling author of Hold My Hand I'm Dying and Roots of Outrage returns once more to the country he know...
James McQuade, a young handsome marine biologist sails on a whaler into the Antarctic. On board is Victoria Rhodes, one of a number of nurses, and James falls hopelessly in love with her. However, other members of the crew, who range from ordinary as...
For many years hunters had tried to kill Dhlulamiti, but he had survived. An elephant some thirteen and a half feet tall â€" his name translated to ‘Taller than trees’ â€" and weighing in at twelve tons he was a giant even amongst the largest spe...
Hong Kong's Director of Public Prosecutions, Al Hargreave, needs to sort out his life. Chinese rule means his future may be uncertain, and he has also experienced personal difficulties with the collapse of his marriage. In Macao he meets Olga, a Russ...