The first story in this collection of short stories, The Ghostwriter, is about a very successful thriller writer who seems to be possessed by the spirit of Charles Dickens. This leads him to battle his inner demons and question his atheistic attitude...
This comic novella features an easy-going young Manchester United star striker, Billy Atherton. He craves maturity when he is chosen by a lesbian couple, Sarah and Ellen, to father their child. Sarah Eastwood is a charismatic American nurse who disco...
Joshua West is a 25-year-old physics graduate. He has lived the life of a recluse in his parent’s comfortable Cambridge home for two years. Joshua has been influenced by the Japanese phenomenon called Hikikomori whereby thousands of young men have ...
Bill & Maggie: A Dark Story Of Love is an experimental, darkly comical novella that delves into the mind of Bill Burton who is an unemployable, noisome, deluded, socially isolated, and personality disordered celebrity stalker although he regards hims...
In the charming and lighthearted picture book, The Runaway Belly Button, John Flannery and Mika Song bring to life the sweetly goofy Belly Button as she reminds you how nice it is to be sparkling clean.Grace loved to get dirty. But she was also prett...
A plump and placid Blackpool teenager, Christine Walker quits her lowly civil service job when she is publicly humiliated by a colleague who she has a crush on. She uses her freedom from work to: reread her cherished Harry Potter novels; fantasise ab...
Carlington Park G.C. is a series of daft comic sketches and stories about the ground-staff set on a newly opened golf course in north Manchester. One of the assistant green-keepers, Adrian 'Chaddy' Chadwick is the main character in most of the storie...