Written with a truly original fictional voice, John Dufresne's powerful debut collection of stories is filled with quirky characters in hours of crisis and flashes of humor in moments of dark despair. A Louisiana farmer sees the image of Christ appea...
A favorite novel by “a generous and lyric storyteller” (San Francisco Chronicle) known for his tragicomic voice and unforgettable characters.
Billy Wayne is the sole survivor of his oddball line of marginal folk. When he acquires a priestl...Lafayette Proulx is affectionately called Laf by his friends, and with good reason. As the likeable narrator of John Dufresne's terrific new book Love Warps the Mind a Little, Laf has an eye for the comic elements that can be found in the everyday ev...
"A comic opera…tuneful, playful." -- New York Times Book ReviewIn Shiver-de-Freeze, Louisiana (population 375), friends and family have gathered for the impending nuptials of Grisham Loudermilk and Ariane Thevenot. This will be no ordinary wedding...
"This is the most practical, hard-nosed, generous, direct, and useful guide to writing fiction." ―Brad Watson
Finally, a truly creative―and hilarious―guide to creative writing, full of encouragement and sound advice. Provocative and re...
A collection by "a generous and lyric storyteller" (San Francisco Chronicle) known for his tragicomic voice and his unforgettable and lively characters.
In John Dufresne's stories people are caught unawares by trouble and opportunity in the ac...John Dufresne takes us to Requiem, Mass., heart of the Commonwealth, where Johnny's mom, Frances, is driving in the breakdown lane once again. She thinks Johnny and his little sister Audrey have been replaced by aliens; she's sure of it, and she's pr...
Best-selling novelist Lee Child edits this latest collection of the genre’s finest from the past year. Featuring “gritty tales told with panache,” this is a “must-read for anybody who cares about crime stories” (Booklist)....
Father Tom Mulcahy wakes up on the day of a fierce blizzard to learn he has been accused of sexual abuse by an ex-altar boy in the parish. His life as he knows it is over. The Cardinal has sent an emissary to make things right. When Father Tom decide...
17 stories about the varieties of the Christmas experience by 17 of our finest storytellers, and not one borrows feelings or seasonal stereotypes. They offer the gifts of honesty, suspense, and transport. They'll carry you away to a world more intrig...
On Christmas Eve in Eden, Florida, Wylie “Coyote” Melville, therapist and forensic consultant, is summoned to a horrific crime scene. Five members of the Halliday family have been brutally killed. Wylie’s rare talent is an ability to read a cri...
The stories here document the way we live our days now, very often alone and in dire straits. The stories were chosen for their beguiling voices, their vivid sense of places, their compelling and intriguing characters, their tension, and their suspen...
"I Don’t Like Where This Is Going" continues the misadventures of therapist-on-the-run Wylie “Coyote” Melville. Wylie has witnessed a woman falling to her death outside the Luxor Hotel. Troubled by the ensuing cover-up, he becomes a man on a mi...
"I Don’t Like Where This Is Going" continues the misadventures of therapist-on-the-run Wylie “Coyote” Melville. Wylie has witnessed a woman falling to her death outside the Luxor Hotel. Troubled by the ensuing cover-up, he becomes a man on a mi...
Holiday Noir and Mystery. This collection of seventeen short stories from acclaimed literary authors takes a fresh approach to the tradition of Christmas chronicles. These aren’t your typical, saccharine ta...
A brilliant and gut-wrenching novel about a father and son from a “generous and lyric storyteller” (San Francisco Chronicle).Known for his tragicomic voice and unforgettable characters, John Dufresne tells the story of Olney, whose beloved son, C...