In 1923, Bill Edmonson, an inexperienced detective, and his veteran partner, Frank Grant, journey to the mining town of Blind Spring, West Virginia, to investigate the murder of a Scottish prospector, a crime for which an Italian coalminer is sentenc...
A young woman finds herself caught in a web of intrigue and industrial espionage that stretches from the Silicon Valley to Russia. She must use all her ingenuity and martial arts skills to survive - and manage to find romance along the way....
Murder In Shawnee' collects John Douglas' two Detective Harter mysteries, 'Shawnee Alley Fire' and 'Haunts.' Shawnee may look like a small mountain city where nothing much takes place, but, as Edward Harter knows, anything can happen. As Harter works...
From a master storyteller, a captivating collection of eerie ghost stories and an unsolved murder. You won’t be able to read just one -- just don’t read them alone!...
Most of us think we know ourselves, and some of us actually do. Clive Mason was neither-he didn't care. Our protagonist, for he could hardly be called a hero, was one of the fortunate people; he loved what he did, did it well, and was successful. Fo...
A hilarious tale of life, love and travel. Set against the beautiful backdrops of Capri, Sicily and Venice, one man experiences a series of adventures....