When Zack Colby returns from a business trip on the verge of a nervous breakdown, his worried wife contacts FBI agent Scott Coldsmith, who learns that Colby's condition is related to a Japanese plot to infiltrate a megacorporation and take over Ameri...
The Hatterask Incident is the timeless story of the individual verses his government. Outer Banks fisherman Alton Mackey finds himself pitted against local government, the US Park Service, the Army Corps of Engineers, the US Coast Guard and the US Fi...
On Christmas Eve 1914 naturalist and ecological pioneer John Muir dies in a California hospital. At the same moment three thousand miles away a baby is born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; his name is Lionel Johnson. In 1932 Lionel leaves his family and ...
The nation has been Torn Asunder with the flooding from the Snake/Columbia Rivers and the Missouri/Mississippi Rivers; Ebola, Mexican drug cartels, war with Mexico, a second strike by ISIS against an American heartland target and an exciting conclusi...
In part 2 of Justified some of our on-going plots are resolved while others continue; the President is faced with the spread of Ebola, another ISIS attack and the reality that the United States has been Torn Asunder by the rampaging waters of the Sna...
In Torn Asunder Part 1 the President must deal with a dual attack by ISIS on the heartland of the United States as flood waters from the Snake and Missouri/Mississippi Rivers race toward the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, in effect dividing th...
In Part 2 of Torn Asunder the waters of the Snake and Missouri/Mississippi Rivers reach their destinations with massive destruction. ISIS brings the Ebola virus and terrorism into America's heartland. Separated by 2000 miles Robert and Nancy O'Brien ...