Stella Jackson, a biracial teen, finds herself an orphan after cancer claims her mother. Abandoned by her stepfather and uprooted from her suburban Chicago life, she is sent South to live with an elderly black grandmother whom she barely knows. Stell...
A born worrier and friendless loner, Isaac -Whart- Newton is blessed with an awesome memory. Otherwise, he is a typical teen who is just trying to survive his cruel incarceration called high school. The recent threat of his parents' divorce has super...
Teens worldwide are vanishing on their birthdays. Their small numbers and scattered locations keep the disappearances off the radar. Parents and authorities consider them runaways or victims of foul play. Yanked from the jaws of death, they are rescu...
A Book of Fiction Inspired by Books:Lives & Opinions of Eminent Philosophers - Part II is a volume of 1 novella (Diogenes the Cynic) and 9 short stories in various genres exploiting ideas and biographies of ancient Greek philosophers; in this vol...
A parallel collection of 17 Native American tales (Kathlamet) and 17 short stories of 19th century Wisconsin Settlers. Each short story corresponds to and was inspired by the Native American tale. Among these are:Esther: Her Story (Myth of Ni...