In a newborn twenty-first century, tunnels through space-time have connected our planet with hitherto unimagined alternate universes. After many years, the genius minds working at the SSC project have reached out into the vast cosmos to achieve their...
Twelve years ago the orcs launched a massive invasion, the likes of which the world had never seen. Only with the combined strength of elves, dwarves and men were they stopped. The fighting was hard, and it lasted nearly two years. Much blood was she...
It has been 15 years since the events of Einstein's Bridge. George and Alice Griffin and Roger Coulton have established the Iris Foundation, a powerful island-isolated research organization tasked with exploiting the technologies learned from the Mak...
Word play has surely been around since language began. One suspects it may even have been a prime motivation in the very first framing of language. Language as a wholesale joke? Don't underestimate the possibility. Word juggling, tossing words around...