On a remote cattle ranch in a peaceful Wyoming valley, in the hushed villages of beleaguered Indian tribes, among the government troops advancing through the bitter winter landscape, the time of the Snowblind Moon heralds the beginning of an apocalyp...
In the late nineteenth-century West, conflict between beleaguered Indians and white settlers and ranchers draws all into an apocalyptic clash--including a young advocate of Indian rights, a former army scout, a Sioux chief, and a young white man rais...
Time is running out for Sioux chief Sun Horse's people. While the U.S. Army rides to force them out of Wyoming onto the barren Dakota reservation, he must interpret the vision given to his tribe: a power is coming-- a power for: good or evil -- that ...
Butch Cassidy combines forces with a silent movie company in 1919 to take a trek to the Mexican deserts, where they encounter a bloody revolution and create the ultimate romance of the Wild West--which includes the famed Pancho Villa...
After a shocking crime threatens everything he has, clipper ship captain Jason Beck turns to a vigilante group in San Francisco during the Gold Rush and finds himself torn between the desire for revenge and a woman's love. Original....