Whilst on witness protection in 90s Bristol, John gets so bored, drunk and mad in the life handed to him that he creates a new, more interesting identity for himself: a private investigator. As luck would have it, his first case handed to him by h...
A young woman awakens to memories of another life scattered across time. An inventor in exile races to avert an apocalyptic destiny. An artificial intelligence weaves a web that will change the fate of humanity. Cataclysm gathers on the horizon of a ...
'BRUTAL, DARK AND LYRICAL MANC NOIR'As clubbers in Manchester's most notorious club partied hard in the 90s, a girl collapsed, falling from the stage after a bad pill.Few noticed. Those that did, didn't care, lost in a hedonistic haze.John Black, an ...
“Well, I said, shit goddamn!“John Bowie's 'Weston-super-Nightmare' is a fuck-ton of fun. Really enjoyed it.“Brit Noir at the highest calibre. The characters are all batshit.“All hail this whacked-out utter nonsense. Seriously....
BRISTOL NOIR - ANTHOLOGY 2A collection of stories from some of the best new and established crime and dark fiction writers from around the world.All with a dose of noir and dirty realism.Featuring:John Bowie, M.E. Proctor, Mark Atley, Mark McConville...
BRISTOL NOIR - ANTHOLOGY 1A collection of stories from some of the best new and established crime and dark fiction writers from around the world.All with a dose of noir and dirty realism.Featuring:Alpheus Williams, Andrew Davie, Anthony Neil Smith, B...