Haunted by the vivid horrors of the Vietnam War, exhausted from years spent battling his memories, Napoleon Haskell leaves his North Dakota trailer and moves to Canada. He retreats to a small Ontario town where Henry, the father of his fallen Vietnam...
Nine loosely connected, hypnotic stories about memory and desire showcase one of fiction's bright new voices. In the Scotiabank Giller Prize -- winning author Johanna Skibsrud's new book, nine loosely connected and hypnotic stories introduce an unfo...
Inspired by and structured around the chamber piece of the same title by the French composer Olivier Messiaen, "Quartet for the End of Time" is a mesmerizing story of four lives irrevocably linked in a single act of betrayal. The novel takes us on an...
Your little arms and legs move just like you are a baby monkey climbing into the leafy branches of a tree. But you are not a monkey. Your nose twitches and your mouth moves as though you are a bunny sniffing the garden air. But you are not a bunny.Mo...
Shortlisted for the 2019 Alistair MacLeod Prize for Short FictionA collection of intrepid and incisive stories from the Scotiabank Giller Prize-winning author of The SentimentalistsTiger, Tiger takes readers from the Paradise Valley Senior Centre par...