Nine weeks after losing her husband, Charlotte escapes to a wooden motor yacht in New Hampshire, where her shipmates are an aging blue-haired widow, an emotional seventeen-year-old, and the ugliest dog in literature. A genuine bond develops among the...
Joe Coomer whose fiction includes the beloved New England novel Beachcombing for a Shipwrecked God, is a writer of rare warmth, generosity, and insight. Sailing in a Spoongful of Water is his memior of your years spent aboard his vintage motorsailor,...
Times are tough on Worth Row. This is not to say, however, that it is by any means quiet on the Row, a place where bathtubs double as lawn furniture, and adultery, bribery and larceny are as commonplace as the glass eyeballs that pop up in every yard...
"Coomer is clearly an author of serious talent." ―The Washington Post Book World
Inhabiting an island off the coast of Maine left to her by her great-uncle Arno, Hannah finds her life as a dedicated and solitary artist rudely interrupted o...
One Vacant Chair by Joe Coomer
It's where you sit down that determines everything in life.
Sarah's aunt Edna paints portraits of chairs. Not people in chairs, just chairs. The old house is filled with her paintin...